Born in Moscow in 1979.
Painter, photographer, designer.
1996-2000 Art School MÀÀ, Helsinki, Finland.
1999. "Views", Sirkel Gallery, Tallin, Estonia
1999. "Views", Porthan Gallery, Helsinki, Finland
1998. "No name", Steiner-school, Moscow, Russia
1997. "Way to the north", Hoikkassali Gallery, Aanekoski, Finland
1996. Expo", Pub Daily News, Turku, Finland
Group exhibitions
2001. Photography project Lesbian Connexion/s, Borey Gallery, St Petersburg, Russia
2001. University of Art and Disign, Atski Gallery, Helsinki, Finland
2001. "Der Fabrikeigene laden", Allinna Gallery, Riihimaki, Finland
1999. Art School Maa graduation exhibition, Augusta Gallery, Helsinki, Finland
1998. Third grade exhibition,Porthan Gallery, Helsinki, Finland
1998. Art School Maa in Museum of Modern Art, Parnu, Estonia
Candidate to the Finnish Painters` Union from 2000.